A Day in the Sun (Fan-Fiction)

Sir Lapis[]

Hi! Just me, Sir Lapis! I just finished the support structures on the house you see in the picture above. Me and Magic designed it. I mean, Magic and I... Sorry. Hey, you know Magic, right? As in "Stick_of_Magic"? Maybe you've heard of her. She runs the server. Isn't that cool! Yeah... I know. So, do you like it? The house? You can't tell, but it is actually build into the mountain and it wraps all the way around to that little exit that I'm standing above. Oh yeah! That's me by the way; the one with the sign... Matty and I were the only ones paying attention to the photo. He's "Matty12164" to be exact, but we all call him Matty. You can see him under the bridge, kind of hanging off. After the photo was taken, Zach, "Zachabo53", the one sitting on the edge of the bridge, told me that Matty was messing around down there and I started yelling at him for it... Sorry about that Matty, if you're reading this. I just didn't want you to get hurt. Yeah... So, anyway, when they were about to take the picture, I said that I really wanted to hold my sign, so I had to go and get it. It may have taken a little longer than expected, and you can tell that everyone got bored. Magic pulled out some alchemy book she found in a dungeon, Peanut and 17, or "Peanutandlime" and "17454538", decided they should catch each other from jumping off the roof, and Patrick, "Weltinator2", wanted to play with his dog. See him? I think he was giving him a treat... So, umm. Yeah! That would explain the picture...


Heyo! Magic here! I guess Lapis told you about the house thing... The whole 'mountain-side' thing was Sprocket's idea. Yeah, he's "Sprocket53", but he doesn't visit that often. A while ago, when he was around a lot, he help build this village called Mountain Crest! It was amazing! Buildings kind of like the one in the picture... Of course, back then we didn't use such sturdy supports, so most of the houses were inside the mountain, but Lapis wanted to try to keep part of the building outside of the mountain. Almost so that it looks like the house is actually outside of the mountain, and I'd say we accomplished that. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I really want to tell you about the book I have. Its the one I'm reading in the picture... It's an old alchemy book... Unfortunately, it's in Japanese. But guess what? I'm actually traveling to Japan in a couple weeks. I'm going to visit a teacher who will teach me not only the language, but also the culture; and hopefully it will help me decipher the book. Now you may be thinking, "Magic, why not just bring the book to Japan and have the teacher read it?" Well, that's a pretty good question, except no one else can read it... Not because it's in Japanese, but because no one sees the letters. That must be why I was the first person to find it. Everyone else thought it was an empty book. Actually, I found it in a dungeon that me and some friends raided. It was an old, Japanese battle tower, and in the basement, we found a chest with some old tools and this book. Matty, who was raiding the chest, threw the book onto the floor, seeing that it didn't contain any information, but it caught my eye, and so I picked it up and tried to show the guys, but they said they couldn't see anything. It wasn't until recently that I actually looked at it... 


Hi. It's me, Weltinator. I'm the purple humanoid slime in the black hoodie and headphones. That's Argentum, my dog, that I'm feeding a treat to. You might be wondering why I'm a purple humanoid slime. Well, I'm a bit of a magician. Not rabbits out of hats and stuff, but real magic. I already know quite a bit about combat and defensive magic, but Magic has been teaching me about alchemy and potion making. So, I thought I pretty much knew how to make a great potion. I was definitely wrong. It literally blew up in my face, and I melted into a puddle of goo. Luckily, Magic (who knows quite a bit about enchanting) found me and quickly enchanted a hoodie to allow me to keep my form. I sorta wobbled into it, and boom! I could mold myself into a vaguely human form. Why the headphones you ask? They let me talk normally using my slime mouth. Otherwise, you would be hearing- BLARG slurf MERP bleg MORP... Ah, that's better. Sorry, headphones slipped off for a second there. Anyway, about Argentum. I met him one night while I was running home. Some skeletons were shooting at him, and an Enderman kept stealing blocks from under him. Now, I cannot stand bullying, so I rushed in and took out the skeletons. However, I might have died that night if the wolf hadn't tackled the Enderman from behind while it was sneaking up on me. I quickly grabbed the Enderman's Pearl, breaking his connection to the End, then scooped the wolf up in my arms and ran home. I took the wolf to Magic (she also knows a bit about animals and healing), and she bandaged his arrow wounds. I then took the wolf home, and decided to name him "Argentum", the Endish word meaning "Stinger", because that's the way he fought, quick and sharp. And he's been with me ever since.


Hey there, I'm Zachabo53 but you can call me Zach. Sir. Lapis called me up and asked me if I wanted to visit his new house, I said sure and next thing I knew I was here. Anyway, thought you might want to know about me, well... here goes. I am a wizard in training, and I'm planing the construction of my Wizard Tower and Magic School. Unfortunately, there were a few creeper setbacks, but I got lots of gunpowder for my potions. Right now I'm killing enderman so I can study the magical effects of teleporting. I am also adding to my diamond collection in hopes of going to the nether to gather nether quartz, blaze rods, and ghast tears, not to mention gold nuggets from the so-called Zombie Pigmen.

A Note From Weltinator2[]

Did anyone else notice the creepy guy in the upper window? D_D
